The Honor Roll has existed for over a decade and is administered and awarded annually by the non-profit organizations Educational Results Partnership (ERP) and the Campaign for Business and Education Excellence (CBEE). The program uses state assessment data to recognize schools that are outperforming their peers in closing achievement gaps and teaching the foundational skills that employers value and look for in the workforce.
Each year, through the Honor Roll, we identify and recognize the highest performing schools in every community in California and Texas. To be recognized as an Honor Roll School, a school must outperform in the core subjects of Math and English, other schools that are like them both socioeconomically and demographically. Schools receiving the Honor Roll designation are among the highest performing schools in their state. They are recognized for their performance in consistently closing achievement gaps for students of various backgrounds. The Honor Roll is the only school recognition program presented in partnership with business leaders and using only student achievement outcomes as the criteria.

The ERP Institute is an annual forum focused on improving our nation's educational productivity. It convenes influencers and institutional leaders who recognize the need to better align education and workforce, increase economic opportunity, and bolster US competitiveness. Participants collaborate to develop strategies and solutions that drive impact at the national, state, and local levels.
The objective of the skills currency program is to provide high school students with a personalized skills profile matched to jobs. Many high school students graduate without understanding the job skills they have developed in school or how their academic performance prepares them for the workforce. Conversely, employers often lack insight into the job-relevant skills students acquire through standard academic coursework.
The skills currency program translates high school academic content into a skills-based language, enabling students and employers to identify how competencies in rigorous academic coursework align with employer skills needs and in-demand jobs. The engine behind skills currency is an algorithm that translates student performance in standard high school coursework into workforce-relevant skills. Students know what jobs they are a match for based on the skills they have developed through their learning and employers know what skills students have.
By linking academic learning to career readiness, this program reveals the workforce value of rigorous academic coursework. Students understand the direct relationship and relevance of their coursework to their job and earnings prospects. Additionally, the program highlights the value of postsecondary options that can increase a student's skills currency over time.
The beta version of the skills currency algorithm is in development. Interested employers and educational institutions should contact us for more information.

The objective of the SkillSight program is to empower learners by providing personalized insights into their skills currency and connecting them with job opportunities that best align with their skills. In today's job market, employers face challenges in finding skilled talent across various occupations. It is essential for students entering the workforce to possess a clear understanding of their skills currency and how to communicate their skills to employers. However, many young learners lack the knowledge or tools to effectively communicate their skills and strengths to employers.
Building on the insights generated from the skills currency program, SkillSight is an innovative program designed to tackle this issue. It equips high school students with a powerful tool to identify and articulate their skills to employers, giving them greater agency to navigate the labor market confidently and with an understanding of their value. Students not only understand what workforce skills they have, but also the specific jobs and employers that are looking for their talent. Moreover, the program helps guide students on postsecondary programs that can close skills gaps or increase skills currency over time.
This program is currently in the development phase and seeking high school student input to better understand the needs of learners. If you are interested in participating in one of ERP's high school student focus groups, please contact us.
The objective of the SkillsLink program is to directly connect employers with skilled talent that meets their needs. SkillsLink is a transformative program that matches students directly with employers based on their skills currency algorithm match percentage. The SkillsLink platform is currently under development and is being created in partnership with participating employers. If you would like to be one of the first employers to provide feedback on the development of the platform and to pilot the program, please contact us.