Data and technology can be powerful tools for gaining actionable insights to solve real-world problems. ERP applies its expertise in solutions engineering – understanding the complex challenges facing our partners and architecting strategies to meet them. Through discovery, consultation, and development, we help partners identify their needs and opportunities for greater impact, and design and implement solutions that improve life outcomes.
Accelerating success and ensuring students are prepared with the skills today's global economy demands, requires access to reliable, usable and actionable data. ERP specializes in obtaining, linking and using data in meaningful ways. We collect, process and analyze millions of records from K-12, higher education institutions, the workforce and other databases. We bring disparate data sets together, identify meaningful metrics, analyze their relationships and then highlight important patterns and trends.
Graphically representing information and data in powerful ways helps to educate communities and ignite action. ERP specializes in the development of data visualizations that display where students and individuals end up over time, the factors that impact life outcomes and where inequity and disparities exist. We develop comprehensive visualizations and tools that explain what is happening so that leaders have valuable insights and the knowledge needed to make data-informed decisions.
Linking disparate data sources into one Kindergarten through career database helps guide data-informed conversations that drive positive change. ERP is a partner in managing Cal-PASS Plus--California's free longitudinal, intersegmental student data system. Cal-PASS Plus is the state's actionable, accessible K-16 system of data. It includes student achievement, course taking, demographic and degree/transfer attainment data from California's K-12 schools, colleges and universities. It also includes data that can be used to inform the transitions from education to the workforce. We manage the system and data sharing agreements, so that any Cal-PASS Plus member institution, including early childhood organizations, can utilize the data system to understand and improve student performance and success across the education pipeline.
Organizations can plan for success when they know what works best. ERP uses predictive analytics to identify the most successful K-12 and higher education systems and outcomes. We identify best practices, understand the relationship between actions and outcomes and then issue recommendations based on those best practices. Currently, ERP is using its predictive analytics capabilities to help community colleges with student placements. Using multiple measures to predict the probability of downstream success, ERP's predictive analytics services are accelerating success by placing more incoming community college students in their appropriate college-level courses.
Using data in meaningful and actionable ways starts by knowing what to measure and how to measure it. ERP helps organizations identify key issues, develop research questions and establish research goals. We analyze the most critical information and data trends to find out what is going on and what is driving those outcomes. Our research team works closely with K-12, higher educations institutions, workforce agencies, early childhood, and other organizations to identify strategies for turning data into solutions.
Through collaboration and engagement, we can leverage shared insights to amplify impact. ERP is a convener and thought partner to organizations and leaders spanning education, business, healthcare, social services, and government. We develop strategies, tactics, and tools to bring together change-makers focused on improving equitable outcomes and strengthening linkages and pathways between education, workforce, and economic mobility.
Making sure valuable information and data insights are stored, available, up-to-date and accessible to the public or a community of stakeholders is critical. ERP specializes in building, creating and maintaining websites that leaders, policymakers, researchers, advocates, and community members rely on to make decisions that improve lives.